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Immaculate College Of Nursing and Immaculate School Of Nursing Sivaganga is affiliated to Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University. It is managed under Immaculate Conception Women Development Social Service Society. Immaculate School of Nursing is approved by the state council and Indian Nursing Council (INC), New Delhi. The institute is aimed at imparting professional nursing education and dedicated to provide selfless service.

The Immaculate College Of Nursing and Immaculate School Of Nursing, Puliyal has high ideals to aspire the young girls to bring wholeness of health to the individuals and society of India with the motto: “DIVINE LOVE AND DEDICATED SERVICE” by professional nursing education and dedicated selfless service. The Immaculate Conception Women Development Social Service Society, Sivagangai Province was registered under Societies’ Registration Act XX1 of 1860.Along with religious and social activities, the society wishes to train and develop the female youth of the society to become dedicated nurses and to render the services efficiently.

It is with much gratitude to the almighty and with much pride and confidence, the following are recorded about our school of nursing. The high aspiration to bring wholeness of health to the individuals and society of the country is being inculcated at every step of our students education and practice.

The school has so for graduated 146 students and the academic year 2018-2019 in the 11th academic year in the history of our school. At present the total numbers of students present in the school are 59. The standard of theoretical and clinical education is being maintained by adhering to the expected norms of the council. The staff-student ratio is also maintained. The classrooms and the laboratories are provided with adequate equipment for practice. Regular maintenance and replenishing are done .

Our Vision

The vision of Immaculate College Of Nursing is to be the leading centre of learning and innovation in emerging areas of business and management education. For every course the college imparts practical training to its students that helps them to understand better, improve their demonstrative skills, eliminate hesitation and in this process strives to mould them into industry ready professionals.

Our Mission

Mission of Immaculate School of Nursing is 'to foster critical analysis by training students both in theory and practice so as to equip them with skills needed for facing global challenges with team work and human values. And to build quality network with the Industry, educationists and the society for exchanging knowledge'. The modern teaching methodology assists the students in getting an all around view of engineering, technology and the entrepreneur world. The diligent faculty team of the college possesses hands-on experience and up to date knowledge of their subject and area of expertise.